Momma The Rumjacks The Sisters Of Mercy Gioli & Assia alt-J QZB JAEL Liquid Stranger
  • 22 Apr, 2014

    Erol Alkan: 'Illumination EP Remixed'

    Erol Alkan - 'Illumination EP Remixed' (incl. remixes from Beau Wanzer, U, Tom Trago & The Emperor Machine) is out now on Phantasy.
    This rip of 'Bang' (The Emperor Machine Mix) is taken from B.Traits, BBC Radio 1 show.

    Also out at the moment are Erol Alkan's remixes of:
    ...The Emperor Machine: 'RMI Is All I Want' (Southern Fried)
    ...Margot: 'Waldorf' (Les Diques De La Mort)