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  • 21 Sep, 2011

    Justice Nominated for Best Video at MTV Awards

    Justice have been nominated for Best Video at the forthcoming MTV European Music Awards, for the awe-inspiring 'Civilisation'
    The event will take place at the Odyssey Arena in Belfast, on 6th November 2011.

  • 08 Sep, 2011

    Justice: 'Audio, Video, Disco'

    Emerging from the creative cocoon that has enveloped them since wrapping up promotional efforts for their 2007 grammy-nominated debut †, Xavierde Rosnay & Gaspard Augé, the influential Parisian duo known as Justice, have announced the impending release of their second album 'Audio, Video, Disco'. The new effort is at once looser and heavier than previous releases, using the combined musical vocabulary of rock and electronic to conjure a laidback, brut effort existing on the outer fringes of pop.

    'Audio, Video, Disco' was created in the duo's home studio, with all instrumentation performed by the group themselves.the duocrafted an epic masterpiece that exchanges the "night in the city" setting of their debut with an "afternoon in the country" atmosphere.

    †established the group as an international force and the duo have responded with a huge album that panders to no one, equally at home blaring from a dance club soundsystem or performed in an arena. Don't be surprised when it finds its home in the latter.

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